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Pastor’s Column January 4 th & 5 th
Christmas and New Year’s Blessings! Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were two inspiring moments in the life of our parish. I am grateful to everyone who worked on these celebrations and I also thank all those who
attended our liturgies or watched them on Facebook or the Parish website. It appeared that there was a spirit of joy in everyone who came to our church for Christmas. Our church looked wonderful on the inside. I
thank Sue McDonough and Jim Armbruster who coordinated the inside decorating of our church. I express my gratitude to our volunteers who helped in various ways: Beth Armbruster, Kathy Bartoszek, Patti Doan, Jim
Fletcher, Eileen Harshman, Jeff Hartlieb, Dave Lanzola, Judy Lasecki, Roseann Lozar, Luke Meisterics, Mike and Peggy O’Brien, Clara Todd, Sandy Yody and Casey Zack. You all did a great job. We received many compliments on how beautiful our church looked. We express our gratitude to Anthony and Barbie Laboy, their friend Steve, and Jan Vitt who assisted ahead of time in providing the set up of our Christmas decorations. We thank our 4 faithful servers who helped with our 3 Masses on December 24 th and 25 th : Jeff Hartlieb, Maureen Seaman, Clara Todd and Sue McDonough. We could use more servers. Call the rectory if you would like to volunteer. I
also express my gratitude to our Eucharistic Ministers and Ushers.
We thank Ralph, Patricia, and Jack Bednarz for helping with the music at the 4:00 p.m. Mass and Ralph and the Schola for assisting with the music at the 10:00 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve. We express our gratitude to our Contemporary Music Ministry: Sandy Yody, George and Terry Weiss, Rosalie Brozozowski, Jim and Karen
Fletcher, Bill and Mary Jane Karpinski, Casey Zack, Rebecca Yody, Amanda Apicella, Jessica Weiss, and Kelly Lister for providing the music at our 10:00 a.m. Mass on Christmas Day. All of you did a wonderful job in communicating the joy that comes from Our Savior’s Birth.
Thanks to your generosity to the Giving Tree and our St. Vincent de Paul Society, we provided 110 gifts to children in need through distribution by University Settlement, 27 gifts to children in parishioners families, and gift cards to 25 families in need. Again, we thank Pete and Stasia Gentile for coordinating our
gifts to children in need.
The Christmas Lights in the Garden turned out to be beautiful. We thank Karen Small who coordinated this project with the following volunteers: Jim Armbruster, Patti Briganti, and Jack Bednarz. We received a note from the Slavic Village Holiday Decorating Contest:
“Thanks for a great entry to Fleet Ave. Thank you for making our neighborhood beautiful. Happy 2025.” We also express gratitude to Jim Armbruster and Gary Kotlarsic for putting up the star on our school roof.
We thank you for your generous financial gifts at Christmas.
Giving out the battery-operated candles was well received. Our theme was Be the Light of Christ at Christmas. We hope you all remain the Light of Christ not only during the Holiday Season but also throughout the New Year.
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
January 5, 2024 |
Sunday Offertory | 1801.00 |
Memorial | 35.00 |
Maintenance | 40.00 |
Capital Improvement | 106.00 |
Utility | 56.00 |
Diocesan Assessment |
2.00 |
Novena Lights | 38.00 |
Christmas | 50.00 |
Solemnity of Mary | 12.00 |
Oplatki | 7.00 |
Crib money | 32.00 |
First Offering | 45.00 |
El Salvador/Latin America |
5.00 |
On Line Giving | 450.00 |
Total | 4402.00 |